Murray 24 Inch Rear Engine Riding Mower Review


Hello and welcome to our review for the Murray 24 Inch Rear Engine Riding Mower which will help you get a better understanding about what this ride on mower can offer you, so please make sure to take a look through this review if you are considering buying it in the coming days.

My focus and objective will be to give you a clear understanding of its capabilities so you can make an informed decision if this riding Mower can meet your expectations and in addition to outline some FAQ’s that tend to come up.

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Review Content

In addition, I will outline all the main features that you need to be aware of plus the pros and cons along with some frequently asked questions that you should be aware of before you buy. In the event that you need to start looking elsewhere, then you should check out some of our alternative recommendations below that will not disappoint you and which have high levels of positive customer reviews

Riding Lawn Mower Overview

Lawn MowerMurray 24 Inch Riding Mower with Mulch Kit
Model190cc Professional Series Engine, 13B326JC758
EngineBriggs and Stratton

Murray Riding Mower Review

Murray 24 Inch Rear Engine Riding Mower (Mulch Kit included)

This small 24 inch rear engine riding mower from Murray comes with a 190cc Pro series Briggs and Stratton engine and a mulch kit plug for the grass clippings so there is no grass bag collection unit at the rear.

Instead they are returned to the soil to act as a natural free fertiliser. It offers a variable speed with 6 speed transmission settings on the go so there is no need to stop while changing the gears. There is the oil drain tube for easy maintenance, an 18 inch turning radius and it is designed really for flat terrain and lawn areas of up to 1 acre or approx. 4000 square meters.

The rear riding seat is well padded, there is the on/off switch and it comes backed with a 2 year warranty. For storing in your shed, the dimensions of this small ride on mower is only 64 inches by 34 inches by 26 inches

Price Guide: $850 - $950

Compare: Honda Self Propelled Lawnmowers here

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1, What type of oil does it need?

A, You will need to use 4 stroke SAE 30 oil

Q2, Can the seat be adjusted?

A, Yes, the seat can be adjusted to suit your own comfort levels

Q3, How many speed settings is there?

A, There are 6 different speed settings that can be changed on the go

Q4, Does it require much assembly upon arrival?

A, No, except for the seat and steering wheel.

Q5, Can it mow in reverse?

A, No, the blade must be disengaged to move in reverse

Q6, Is the starter battery included?

A, Yes, the electric starter battery is included

Pros for the Murray 24 Inch Rear Engine Riding Mower

  • The price level for this smaller Ride on Mower costs a good deal less than the average tractor ride on mower so you can save money here
  • It can fit through garden gates and it can help people who have mobility issues or difficulties pushing a normal lawnmower
  • It allows 6 different speed settings to suit your desired pace and you have a standard simple to use start key to get going
  • There is a very good tight corner turning capability of 18 inches which is ideal for getting around flowers beds and trees
  • It is delivered almost already assembled – very little work is needed to get it started and get mowing

Cons for the Murray 24 Inch Rear Engine Riding Mower

  • There is no grass catcher at the rear to collect all the clippings
  • There is no throttle control on the machine and there is no towing hitch available either
  • It doesn’t perform well on slopes and hilly surfaces especially when it comes to blade engagement and power
  • Several reports and reviews have shown there to be issues with starting this ride on mower in the past – more than what we would like and in some cases jump starting was required
  • The level of power you need on the higher gears is somewhat limited and could be better and stronger
  • It can be difficult to locate and manage the oil drain plug for some people

Price Comparisons

To help you compare this ride on lawn mower to other branded riding lawn mowers and self-propelled lawnmowers, then please make sure to compare the popular options provide below...

View also: Murray Push Lawn mower review here


Would we buy it? To be honest it would be a no. I would much prefer to buy a powerful self-propelled gas or petrol walk behind lawnmower instead with a grass collection unit at the back to gather all the grass cuttings. Anyway, I prefer to exercise and burn some calories at the weekend so using a walk behind self-propelled lawnmower would definitely be our preferred choice over this small rear engine riding mower. The mowing width is too narrow so even a Toro Twin Blade self-propelled lawnmower would perform a lot better than this.


In our opinion, you are better off trying a different branded larger more powerful ride on mower than this small Murray ride on Mower. In fact, we would even recommend a wide walk behind self-propelled lawnmower such as the Honda example available from Amazon below that can also help you to stay healthy, burn calories and keep in shape.

Community Feedback

Have you ever used the Murray 24 Inch Rear Engine Riding Mower yourself in the past? Anything good or bad to report? If possible, please share your own opinions and feedback with the wider mowing community by leaving a comment in the comment box section provided below

Posted in Ride on Tractor Mowers and tagged , , , , .


  1. We bought one yesterday, got it home but it won’t start checked the battery it’s fully charged. It won’t even try to turn over. Did exactly as the manual said about starting it . Am I missing something or should I take it back to the store ?

    • Get onto the customer service department as soon as possible – details should be on the manual. If that doesn’t work, get onto your seller and ask them to either resolve the issue over the phone or request a call out.

  2. Where can you buy a starter for the 24 inch murray 190cc it keep blowing the fuse and will not turn motor can’t find the part number for it

  3. Where is the oil drain plug (or tube the mfgr says is included) on this mower? I’ve searched thoroughly but cannot find it. Any help would be appreciated

  4. Hi thereMany thanks for the great review of the Murray 24″ ride on lawn mower. From reading the review and also the key features of this model, it ticks all the boxes for me.I like the fact that this machine can be changed to a mulching mower as well and this feature is especially welcomed.Previously, we either had the standard mowers and we had the mulching lawnmower, but nowadays the integration and transition from one to the other is only a matter of changing the blade and making the right adjustments to the grass chute.It looks very sturdy and compact, plus the two year warranty is a bonus as these normally have only a twelve month guarantee.I have bookmarked this site for further reference.Many thanks and continued successCheers PB

    • Hi PB and thanks for stopping by. Yes the overall rating and feedback for the Murray 24 inch Ride on Mower is very positive. Best of luck to you also if you decide to go with it…



  5. I bought one of these Murray 25″ riding mowers back in 2014. It worked great until about 2021, then one day there was big POP sound when I had the brake engaged and it would not stay in selected gear anymore when brake was applied. After that it started blowing fuses..both a 30 amp fuse and then a 5 amp fuse in a side by side holder. I had to play with the brake pedal to get the starter to engage, and then a few months ago it wouldn’t start at all no matter what. I got rid of it and bought a used lawn tractor.

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