Greenworks 16 inch Reel Lawn mower Review – Mixed Results


Today, I'm going to be talking about the Greenworks 16-Inch Reel Lawn Mower with the grass catcher code reference 25052. If you're eyeing an eco-friendly option for maintaining your lawn, this might just be up your alley. I've taken a deep look into what this mower has to offer, including its features and what users are saying about it.

Muscle Powered Mowing

Now what is this model about? The Greenworks 25052 promises a straightforward, muscle-powered mowing experience with a 16-inch cutting path, designed for precise and efficient cutting. This isn't just about keeping your lawn tidy—it's also about reducing your carbon footprint. In my opinion, that's a win-win for small yards.

View also: Our Corded Lawnmower Reviews here

Greenworks 16 Inch Reel Lawn Mower with Grass Catcher (25052)

Key Features

Frame made using Alloy steel

Mow width 16 inches, weight 26lbs

4 mowing heights, zero carbon footprint

Dimensions 47"D x 22"W x 29.75"H

2 inch roller wheels and 10 inch front wheels

Price Guide: $100 - $130

Zero Carbon Footprint

You're going to find out about the environmentally friendly aspects of this mower. With no batteries, gas, or cords, it doesn't produce any emissions. That means you're cutting grass, not contributing to air pollution. Plus, for those looking for more active lifestyles, this mower provides a decent workout, so you can ditch the gym for the garden on mowing days.

Lawn Type

Choose something that works for your lawn size - if you enjoy the peace of a quiet, fume-free mowing session and have a smaller lawn to tend to, the 25052 could be your new favorite gardening tool. Based on the reviews, users have found its manoeuvrability and simplicity quite appealing especially for small city urban type lawns instead of larger rural type lawns.

View also: Our Cordless Lawnmower Reviews here

Manageable Grass Heights

Now, no product is without its feedback, and that's key to understanding if it's right for you. A look at what users are saying highlights how people appreciate the Greenworks 25052 for its eco-friendliness and ease of use, although some note the need for keeping grass at manageable levels for optimal performance. There is no point leaving the grass uncut for months on end – the key here is consistency and managing the grass heights to workable levels and mowing more frequently or as frequently as you can.

User Convenience

Now that we've gone through the basics of the Greenworks 16-Inch Reel Lawn Mower with Grass Catcher 25052, let's dive into some of the nitty-gritty details. When you're considering a manual reel mower, ease of use is a major factor. Users generally find the mower straightforward to assemble, and once you get the hang of it, pushing it is a breeze, particularly if you stick to a regular mowing schedule. It's also pretty lightweight, which makes moving and storing it less of a hassle.


But here's the deal: While it can be quite effective at keeping your lawn trimmed, this mower has its limits. It's best for grass that's already maintained at a low level; let things grow out too much, and you might be in for a tough workout. And speaking of workouts, this isn't just a chore, it's an opportunity to flex those muscles, but if you're not looking for the extra exercise, you might want to consider other options such as corded or cordless lawn mowers.

Grass Catcher

As for the grass catcher, I must be straight with you; it can be a bit on the flimsy side. Some users have reported that it doesn't catch most of the clippings, which could mean some additional clean-up work. So, if a spotless lawn free of clippings is non-negotiable for you, you might have to do a bit of supplemental raking.


Gleaning from the sea of reviews, this Greenworks model sits at an overall rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars. It's clear that there's a balance to strike between its environmentally friendly design and the manual labor required. Durability seems to be a strong suit, with numerous reviewers noting its robustness despite regular use. That being said, the grass catcher is rather flimsy and tends to fall off when working on rough terrain.

View also: Our Hover Lawnmower Reviews here

Right Choice?

So, is the Greenworks 25052 the right choice for your lawn care needs? It offers an impressive eco-friendly profile, ideal for someone who's environmentally conscious and doesn't mind a bit of a workout. However, if your lawn often looks like a mini jungle or you need a more heavy-duty, labor-saving device, this may not be your best bet.

Ultimately, choose a lawn mower to suit your preferences, lawn cleanliness, work speed and your lifestyle. You can always adjust your approach down the road. For those willing to put in the effort, the Greenworks 25052 could offer a satisfying, green mowing experience that also keeps you fit. On the flip side, don't worry too much about the occasional stray blade of grass. After all, it's about enjoying the beauty of your outdoor space and keeping it maintained with a zero carbon footprint.

Pros for the Greenworks 16 Inch Reel Mower

  • It has a zero carbon footprint as there are no batteries, cords, cables, oils, gas – only you and the cutting blades
  • You get the opportunity to get more exercise and cardio as it requires more physical effort on your end
  • You have a nice selection of cutting heights to choose from – start at the highest level when mowing longer grass
  • You get a 3 year warranty for peace of mind to protect your investment
  • The handles can be folded down easily which helps when storage space is at a minimum.
  • It’s a lower cost investment for cutting grass on smaller yards – significantly cheaper than cordless lawn mowers

Cons for the Greenworks 16 Inch Reel Mower

  • You need to mow more regularly and keep the grass height under control as it struggles with long grass
  • Doesn’t perform great with cutting weeds – only with small easier weeds
  • Collection of the grass clippings is very poor and the quality of the grass catcher is rather flimsy and can fall off.
  • It requires a lot more physical work on your end to push it around the yard.
  • Only suitable for very small yards – not suitable for medium or larger sized yards.

View also: Our Reel Lawnmower Reviews here


Would I buy it? Sorry but this lawn mower is not for me as our yard is too big and there are too many weeds and sticks. Plus I prefer a clean tidy finish with all the grass clippings removed. The grass catcher is poor in our opinion leaving an untidy finish and it struggles with weeds and longer grasses. Give me a cordless rotary lawn mower any day of the week. That being said, if you are on a lower tighter budget and you have a very small yard like an urban type lawn, then this low priced Reel lawn mower from Greenworks will do the trick for you. Further reviews, images and prices and be double checked below

Greenworks Reel Cylinder Lawn mower Feedback

Have you ever used this Greenworks Reel Lawn mower in the past? If possible, please share your own feedback and opinions about this lawnmower in the comment box section provided below. So that others in the mowing community can learn also.

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