Most Common Lawn Care Questions & Answers


I'm going to kick things off by addressing the cornerstone of lawn care - getting the basics right. This isn't just about giving your lawn a once-over with the mower; it's also about knowing why each step matters to your lawn's health.

So let's start simple: how often should you mow your lawn? Regular trimming keeps grass strong, sapping energy from weeds and ensuring a thicker turf. As for the golden rule - try not to cut more than a third of the grass blade length at once to avoid stressing the grass.

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Lawn Watering

Watering your lawn can be a tad tricky. You're going to find out that it's not just a chore, but an art. Your grass needs enough water to penetrate the root system, usually about an inch per week, either from rain or your hose. Beware of overwatering though, as it can lead to shallow root growth and fungus. There is generally enough rain water to cater for your lawn’s watering needs however if you have a hot spell for 2 weeks or more without any rain, then you should plan to get your lawn watered manually.

Best Sellers in Lawn Care

Miracle-Gro EverGreen Complete 4-in-1 Spreader - Lawn Food, Weed & Moss Control


Best Sellers in Lawn Care

Pro-Kleen 2.5kg Premium Iron Sulphate


If you want to see your lawn really flourish, introducing fertilizers into the mix is a must. They're like a health supplement for your grass. Choose something that resonates with your lawn's needs - usually, a balanced blend is a good way to go. And timing? Well, that largely depends on your grass type and climate, but generally, early spring and fall applications do wonders. You can choose a quick release supplement for fast results – these are more water soluble and will dissolve with the nitrogen and nutrients faster than normal.

Growth Patterns

A healthy lawn is your goal, right? Look for uniform colouring, resilience to foot traffic, and smooth growth patterns. On the flip side, an unhealthy lawn might show bald spots, discoloration, or uneven growth. Don't worry too much about the occasional mishap - they're fixers. For patchy areas, use a garden fork to pierce the soil every few inches, add water and then add a granular fertiliser to the affected area.

Common Lawn Problems and Solutions

I'm going to break down some headaches you might encounter while tending to your lawn and provide you with the antidotes. Let's start with the critters that could be throwing a party in your grass. Grubs, beetles, and chinch bugs are the usual suspects when your lawn starts to look less than stellar. The key here is to identify them early and use the proper treatments—nematodes for grubs or a soapy water solution for chinch bugs can do the trick.


Now, what about when your lawn starts getting patchy or changes colour? You might be dealing with diseases like brown patch, dollar spot, or rust. These issues often stem from too much moisture and poor air circulation. I recommend adjusting your watering schedule and ensuring your lawn isn't too dense. Sometimes, a good fungicide is necessary—if you're unsure, consulting a lawn care professional is a smart move.

Weed Control

Weeds—every gardener's nemesis. If you're not careful, they can overrun your lawn faster than you can say 'dandelion.' To keep them at bay, apply a pre-emergent herbicide in early spring to prevent weed seeds from sprouting. If weeds are already established, a targeted post-emergent herbicide can help reclaim your turf.

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Best Sellers in Lawn Care

Elixir Gardens Spring & Summer 9-7-7 Granular Lawn Fertiliser

Best Sellers in Lawn Care

A1 Lawn Ultimate Spring Summer Lawn Fertiliser 10kg

Power of Mowing

Don't underestimate the power of proper mowing and watering—it's your first defence against these common issues. Nevertheless, when problems arise, don't shy away from seeking expert advice or advanced lawn care techniques. Speaking of techniques, that's going to include looking at ways to keep your lawn thriving throughout the changing seasons, mow as appropriate to the weather conditions. Mow weekly during the peak growing months and every second week during the low grass growth months as a general rule of thumb.

Lawn Care Tips for a Lush Garden

Now that you're familiar with some common lawn problems and how to tackle them, let's take a step further into advanced lawn care strategies. This isn't just about fixing issues, it's also about preventing them and ensuring your lawn stays lush and vibrant.

Each season brings its own set of lawn care challenges and opportunities. You will need to plan how to prepare your lawn to thrive in spring, summer, fall, and winter. Remember, what you do in the fall will define the health of your lawn in the spring so plan each season accordingly.

Grass Type

You're going to find out why choosing the right type of grass is more than just a matter of preference. It could be the difference between a high-maintenance lawn and a resilient, low-care one. You need to understand which grass varieties are best tailored to your local climate and soil conditions. The grass varieties that tend to work well are Bermuda, St Augustine, zoysia, evergreen lawn seed, Dwarf ryegrass or Fescue.

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When it comes to aeration, timing is everything. Make sure to identify the signs if your lawn is gasping for air and apply an aeration process such as using a garden fork every 12 inches or so as a guide. It's a step often overlooked by many homeowners, but it can significantly improve your lawn's health.


And if you're someone who is passionate about the environment, you'll be thrilled to know that lawn care can be eco-friendly too. There are several advantages of organic lawn care practices that are not only good for your lawn but for the planet as well.

During Dry Spells

During dry spells, remember to water deeply but less often, preferably in the early morning. Consider opting for drought-resistant grass varieties like Buffalo, Couch, Kikuyu, and Zoysia. Raise your mower height to reduce stress and retain moisture, and think about a mulch mow to insulate soil and roots. Using Lawn Builder + Wetting Agent can greatly improve water retention and nutrient absorption.

Lawn Feeding

If your lawn shows signs like pale grass, slow growth, and thin patches, it might need feeding. Use All Purpose Lawn Builder to replenish nutrients and encourage healthy growth. For best results, feed once a year in Spring.

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NPK Fertiliser

NPK stands for Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K). Nitrogen encourages green foliage, Phosphorus promotes strong roots and flowers, and Potassium enhances overall health. The NPK ratio on products helps to choose the right one for your lawn.

Granular & Liquid Fertilisers

Granular fertilisers are pellet-like particles spread with a Spreader, offering longer-lasting release. Liquid fertilisers, applied with a sprayer or hose, ensure quick absorption for rapid results.

Weeds and Pests

To tackle common lawn weeds, consider using Lawn Builder Weed, Feed & Green-Up. Encourage natural predators like birds and insects for pest control. For grub and insect pests, try Lawn Builder Grub + Insect solution. Regular mowing, watering, and fertilizing can prevent weed and pest infestations.

Finally, you can also explore further smart irrigation systems and robotic lawnmowers – you'll learn how technology can make lawn care more efficient and a lot less labour-intensive.


What lawn problems do you experience and how did you solve it? Let us all know by leaving your opinions in the comment box section provided below – so that others can learn also.

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