Stihl Grass Trimmer Reviews


Are you thinking about buying a Stihl Grass Trimmer Brush cutter in the coming days? If so, then please take a quick look through our Stihl Grass Trimmer review which will outline all you need to know plus what we believe are some of the best models to work with under the Stihl brand. The focus of this review will be on the Stihl FS 460 C-EM Professional M-Tronic Clearing Saw trimmer as we found this to be an awesome trimming tool but we will also outline 2 other options for your to browse through also so at least you have more than just one option when it comes to making your own final decision.

If your garden is full of dense scrub or has become completely overgrown, then the brush cutter capability here will have it cleared in no time at all especially all those thick heavy grown weeds. There is greater control with the bike handles or loop handles and you get the harness included to support the heavier weight of these type tools.

5 Advantages to Using Petrol Brush Cutters Trimmers

  1. More powerful option for thick or dense weeds, scrub and overgrown grasses
  2. Bike handles for improved trimming movements and they can have either have metal blades or nylon lines
  3. Provides access to areas that cannot be reached with a conventional lawnmower
  4. Many have built in anti-vibration systems to be kinder to your hands and arms
  5. No cables to work around and no batteries to worry about either.

Our Stihl grass trimmer brush cutter review will outline some FAQ’s that hopefully can answer some of the queries that you may have, our 3 top picks under the Stihl brand and we will outline the main pros and cons which we came across that you can check out further below. For easier navigation, our review will be split into 5 parts so feel free to skip to whatever part interests you the most.

Petrol Grass Trimmer Review Content:

  • Part 1: Overview & FAQ’s
  • Part 2: Stihl FS 460 C-EM M-Tronic Grass Trimmer Review
  • Part 3: Operational Tips & Attachments
  • Part 4: Alternative Stihl Brush cutter Trimmers to Consider
  • Part 5: Conclusion

Before you begin, please be aware that guide price levels can only be shown at the time of this Stihl Grass trimmer brush cutter review, so please make sure to view the price checkers provided below to ensure you have the most accurate up to date price information.

Read also: Our list for the Best Petrol Grass Trimmers here

Part 1: Overview & FAQ’s

Model:Stihl FS 460 C-EM Professional M-Tronic Clearing Saw Trimmer
Power:2.2 kW of power
Line Width:2.7, 3.0 or 3.3mm diameter lines
Best Place to Buy:Mowers Online UK – View Stock Availability Here
Warranty:2 Year Domestic, 1 Year Commercial
Support:Cheltenham Mowers Ltd - 01452 61 61 69

FAQ’s for the Stihl FS 460 C-EM Professional trimmer:

Q1. What oil can be used for this tool?
A. You can use a Stihl HP mineral 2 stroke oil 50:1

Q2. Is a Briggs & Stratton fuel fit 250ml included?
A. No, but it can be bought as an additional extra for less than £10

Q3. What type of trimming lines can be used?
A. It can handle various lines such as 2.7, 3.0 or 3.3mm diameter lines (plus various blades)

Q4. What is the capacity of the fuel tank?
A. The capacity of the fuel tank is 0.75 litres

Q5. What is the total length of this tool?
A. The length of this trimmer model from Stihl is 179cm long

Q6. How heavy is this machine to carry and work with?
A. This tool weighs approx. 8.5kg but you have a harness for additional support.

Part 2: Stihl FS 460 C-EM M-Tronic Grass Trimmer Review

Stihl FS 460 C-EM Professional M-Tronic Clearing Saw Trimmer

Key Features in Summary:

2.2 kW of engine power
Engine displacement of 45.6cc
Professional brush cutter trimmer
For tougher weeds & scrubs
ErgoStart and M-Tronic systems
Cold & warm start recognitions
Bike handles for balance
4-point anti-vibration system
Flexible with line diameters
Fuel tank capacity 0.75 L
Warranty 1 to 2 years

Pros to be Noted:

  • When it comes to power and manageability, this brush cutter trimmer from Stihl is certainly one of the best that we have ever worked with and it cutting power is certainly very impressive across the board, especially in dense scrub type areas or where the grass and weeds have got totally out of control. This machines rips through it with such ease and it allows you to reach areas that cannot be reached or cut by a typical lawnmower.
  • It comes with the ErgoStart system that helps the engine to start smoothly with minimal pulling needed on your end and the M-Tronic system provides you with the electronic engine management system when it comes to cold or warm start recognition, engine performance and fuel monitoring.
  • The harness provided is of excellent quality and the bike handles really do support better swing type movements from side to side to allow a well-balanced cutting motion.
  • This machine is able to handle various line diameters such as 2.7, 3.0 or 3.3mm diameter lines which is always good to have and the 4-point anti-vibration system helps to reduce fatigue setting in on your hands and arms especially when you need to work on larger or longer type trimming or cutting projects.
  • The weight is not all that bad at less than 9kg, the fuel tank capacity is above average at 0.75 litres and you get a 2 year warranty when used domestically which protects your investment well into the future (1 year warranty applies to commercial use)

Cons to be Noted

  • Even though you get a superior premium tool, you need to be prepared to dig deeper into your pockets as this tool will be too expensive for the average homeowner and will set you back generally over £800 from what we have seen at the time of this review.
  • You have the harness for support, but the weight of this tool to carry and work with on longer trimming jobs is difficult enough and it takes time to get accustomed to it.
  • Ongoing costs of fuel and oil and ongoing maintenance costs need to be factored in. Plus, it is not an environmentally friendly option when compared to electric type grass trimmers.

Price Guide: £800 to £900

Further images of the Stihl FS 460 C-EM Professional M-Tronic Clearing Saw Trimmer are outlined below (swipe left or right if on mobile)

  • Stihl FS 460 C-EM M-Tronic Clearing Saw Trimmer

Part 3: Operational Tips

The first thing you should make sure of is that the tool is equipped with the proper deflector. You shouldn’t also lend your tool to anyone without giving them the operational manual as they need to understand also how the tool operate. Before you start working, make note of potential hazards that may be in the vicinity such as stones, rocks or wires. Never leave this power tool running unattended as children or pets could get seriously injured and wait a few seconds for the cutters to stop spinning.

Please take a break when your arms start to get tired as tiredness allows the loss of control of the machine which is the last thing you want to do. Finally then, keep the AV machine well maintained each month, wear appropriate heavy-duty gloves and maintain a firm grip at all times as outlined in the image below

Cutting Attachments

Various cutting attachments can be used with this tool such as the Stihl AutoCut 40-2, the Stihl Trimcut 41-2, the Stihl DuroCut 40-4 and the Stihl Polycut 41-3. There are also various metal attachments that can be used with this tool such as the Grass cutting blade 230-4, a grass cutting blade 250-44, a brush knife and a circular saw blade or a chisel tooth circular saw blade with 225mm diameter. A selection of these attachments that can be used are outlined in the image below.

Part 4: Alternative Stihl Brush cutter Trimmers

If you believe that the Stihl FS 460 C-EM Professional M-Tronic Clearing Saw Trimmer is out of your price league and you need to consider further options, then check out 2 further alternatives below that we would also recommend as follows...

1, Stihl FR 131T Petrol Backpack Brushcutter Trimmer

Key Features to Note:

Petrol padded backpack brushcutter trimmer solution

36.3cc 2-stroke engine with 1.4kW power

For larger plots of thick vegetation and scrub

Multi-functional loop handle, AutoCut mowing head

Includes anti-vibration technology

Split shaft for easier storage, fuel tank 0.71L

Price Guide: £680 to £750 (1 to 2 year warranty)

2, Stihl FS 360 C-EM M-Tronic Clearing Saw Trimmer

Key Features to Note:

Stihl ErgoStart and M-Tronic systems included

Cold & warm start recognition & bike handles

1.7 kW of engine power engine displacement 37.7cc

Fuel monitoring adjustment with fuel tank 0.75L

4-point anti-vibration system and weighs 8.5kg

2.7, 3.0 or 3.3mm diameter lines

Price Guide: £700 to £800 (1 to 2 year warranty)

Read also: Our list for the Best Cheap Corded Electric Grass trimmers here

Part 5: Conclusion

Would we recommend the Stihl FS 460 C-EM Professional M-Tronic Clearing Saw Trimmer? Yes, without a shadow of a doubt as long as you have enough money to spend as this trimmer DOES NOT come cheap! For the average homeowner, there are much lower priced alternatives that can do as good as job as this for their plots but this one wins out by a mile when it comes to clearing heavy vegetation, brambles, dense scrub and high overgrown grasses and weeds.

The cutting performance, reliability and power from this tool is absolutely first class and we would find it hard to fault it in any way to be honest.

Educate Others in the UK

How about you – have you ever used a Stihl Brush cutter trimmer yourself in the recent past?

If possible, please educate others across the UK community by sharing your feedback or comments in the comment box section provided below!

Posted in Grass Trimmers and tagged , , , , , , , , , , .


  1. Run a FS 460 here in Australia. Great machine but when using trimmer line in heavy growth, trimmer line continually welds to itself inside the 40-2 trimmer head. Have tried various lines and tricks like soaking the line in water and spraying the line with silicoe. Still welds to itself. Sthil needs to figure out a way to prevent this . I think machine just has way too much torque to be using it with trimmer line

  2. Having a clear environment to play with your family and friends would save you from so many harmful and dangerous insects and that is the major importance of trimming and clearing the thick grasses, thistles and thorns around you. However, as much as I love this wonderful suggestion of a Stihl trimmer you have given, I am concerned about the weight, how about it?

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